
Showing posts from 2021

Plato & Atlantis – The Probability of Coincidence

  As a person I am always suspicious of coincidence. Whenever I hear this word, an alarm sets off in my head. In my book “ Our Unknown Ancient Past: Thoughts and Reflections on the Unexplained Mysteries of Prehistory ” I state that it cannot be a coincidence that Plato’s date of Atlantis’ destruction (9.600 BC) is spot on, coinciding with the abrupt end of the Younger Dryas (9.600 BC). Chances are that this is no coincidence, but what exactly are those chances? Here I would now like to elaborate on that.   Let’s agree that Plato being precise means that his date is plus/minus 100 years off from the actual date that the Younger Dryas ended. We could define this 200-year period to be even shorter but let us take the least favorable scenario. Now, there are 47 such periods within the range of 600 BC (when Solon heard the story of Atlantis from the Egyptian priest) up to 10.000 BC. Why take 10.000 BC and not 15.000 or 20.000? Well, Plato could have placed Atlantis even further back in

40.000 BC: The Foundation of Human Civilization

If you have read my book Our Unknown Ancient Past then you are aware of Genevieve von Petzinger's amazing work. If not, here is a short briefing: The Anthropologist Genevieve von Petzinger spent many years in European caves, recording written symbols. After extended research, she tracked the origins of writing around 40.000 BC. In the image below you can see that most of those symbols are spread almost worldwide. Interestingly enough, we have another piece of evidence pointing to this date: the zodiac. According to Professor Martin Sweatman's theory, analyzed in his book "Prehistory Decoded", the zodiac has remained more or less unchanged for 40.000 years. In his pioneer work Professor Sweatman proved that prehistoric people were using the zodiac we are still using today. And let us not forget about the lion-man of the Hohlenstein-Stadel , an extremely important prehistoric ivory sculpture that was carved out of mammoth ivory between 35.000 and 40.000 years ago. Expe

The 9.000 Year-Old Riddle of the Sphinx

I just finished reading Martin Sweatman's Prehistory Decoded and I must say I am impressed. In his great book Professor Sweatman presents convincing evidence that the Sphinx in Giza was built around 7.000 BC. So now we have two serious scientists placing the creation of the Sphinx many millennia earlier than the conventional dating, both having reached this conclusion using completely different methods. Robert Schoch based his research on Geology. Martin Sweatman based his research on Archeoastronomy. What a shock - or I should say schoch - for mainstream scientists.

The Azores as a Candidate Location for Atlantis

In my book Our Unknown Ancient Past I argue that Azores was part of Atlantis. I presented a lot of evidence, but now I would like to discuss some aspects in more details. The entire Azores Plateau, as we read in a article discussing the Plateau's geology, covers an area of approximately 400.000 km 2 . The Azores Plateau has an almost triangular shape, but assuming, for simplicity reasons, that we are dealing with a circular area, that circle has a 632 km radius. This is remarkably close to the size of Atlantis provided by Plato. In the relative Wikipedia article you can see for yourself that according to Plato Atlantis was an island ~700 klm wide, mostly consisting of mountains on the northern part and along the shore, encompassing a long narrow plain on the south which stretched a distance of 3.000 stadia (555 klm) on one side and 2.000 stadia (370 klm) on the other. I myself have never been to the Azores, but nowadays, with the Internet, you can find so much informa

When Were the Pillars of Gobekli Tepe Created?

While reading Martin Sweatman's book " Prehistory Decoded " I found out that professor Sweatman supports, based on his theory which does make sense, that the Gobekli Tepe pillars were created in 11.900 BC, on the onset of the Younger Dryas. He reached this conclusion because the drawings on those pillars seem to be pointing to this date. However, the older parts of this site have been dated to 9.600 BC. So what is going on? Were the pillars created in 11.900 BC and were placed in their slots more than 1.000 years later? This does not make much sense. This will only make sense if there are even older parts of this sites are ever discovered. This dating (11.900 BC) also comes in contrast with Graham Hancock's theory which I share, that an advanced civilization was destroyed at the end of the Younger Dryas (9.600 BC) and with its dying breath, through its survivors, this civilization transferred part of its knowledge to the people who built Gobekli Tepe. No doubt, accord

An Important Hint Linking Atlantis & Younger Dryas

As we know, Plato places the destruction of Atlantis at 9.600 BC. This specific date happens to also be the abrupt end of Younger Dryas. Although this is direct, there is another hint given by Plato which places the end of Atlantis to the end of Younger Dryas. Plato tells us that sometime after the defeat of the Atlanteans at the hands of the Athenians, Atlantis sunk to the sea within a terrible day and night of earthquakes and floods. The Atlanteans were not however the only victims of this catastrophe, as the entire Athenian army was lost under the waves. So the same catastrophe affected in the same way two rather distant areas of the earth, Atlantis being on the Atlantic Ocean just outside the straits of Gibraltar, and Athens being in the east Mediterranean. This implies that this catastrophic event affected a large part of the globe. And what event could have had such widespread effects? Precisely, the end of Younger Dryas. So if someone wants to argue that the date of 9.600 BC was

From the Back Cover

From the back cover of the book " Our Unknown Ancient Past ": Imagine the following scene: Eric Schliemann having to get the permission of scientists, telling them that, based on Homer’s descriptions, he believes he can discover the mythical Troy. Besides laughing their hearts out, do you believe there would even be the slightest chance they would have given their permission? And it is not just Troy nor just Knossos nor just the Mycenae, most major archaeological findings in the entire world, despite the references in the ancient texts, were a complete surprise for the scientific establishment. If that establishment had full control, all those discoveries would simply never have happened. The main purpose of this book is to present evidence supporting the theory of a relatively advanced civilization during prehistory, which was however lost due to some natural catastrophe. This is mainly attempted by presenting knowledge of the ancient people which they are not justified to h

The Book is Now Available on Amazon

The book "Our Unknown Ancient Past" is now available on Amazon. There is the paperback version and the kindle version .